Part 2
by Sarah Lorse, Summer 2023

English holly
English holly. photo by John F. Williams


by Sarah Lorse, Summer 2023

The Plant Armory Part 1 introduced plants as predominantly sessile organisms: they tend to live out their lives in one spot. Being sessile is a significant disadvantage when you are at the bottom of the food web. When it comes to flight or fight against the herbaceous predators prowling about, flight is not an option, so plants have become masters of putting up a fight.

In Part 1, the physical traits used for defense were described. Plants, however, also have toxic chemical defenses. Plant toxins can be present in all parts of a plant, such as the leaves, stems, buds, fruits, and roots. These toxins are Plant Secondary Metabolites (PSMs), primary metabolites being the carbohydrates and proteins a plant needs to live.

Plant toxin
Plant toxin. photo by Sarah Lorse

There are several main groups of toxins, and within each group there are many individual toxins. Each toxin group has a unique chemical makeup. Because of this, they affect the assailant in different ways, such as targeting the nervous system or altering cell function. Some plants only produce a few kinds of toxins, while others produce many. Toxins can also target certain threats, such as insects, but are benign to others. Some plants have evolved toxins that do not affect certain animals, in order to use those animals as a method of spreading their seeds. All parts of the English ivy (Hedera helix) and English holly (Ilex aquifolium) plants are poisonous to humans if consumed. However, the berries of these plants, which are invasive to the Pacific Northwest (PNW), are a delicacy to a variety of bird species. The birds dine on the berries and fly off, defecating the seeds and a little fertilizer in a new location.

While a toxin can have negative impacts, there can also be positive impacts, depending on the species and the kind of interaction with the toxin. Some toxins can be used in medicine, food, or recreation. Of the many plant species that grow across the planet, only a small number of them have been studied for their beneficial properties.

English ivy
English ivy climbing a tree. photo by John F. Williams

Many of the plant toxins most familiar to people, such as nicotine, caffeine, opioids, and capsaicin (the compound that gives peppers their kick), are found in plants growing in warmer climates. However, that does not mean plants in regions such as the PNW are lacking in toxins of interest to people. Kinnikinnick (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) is a plant native to the Salish Sea region that has hallucinogenic properties when smoked. Common foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) is a non-native plant that has been naturalized in our area. Foxglove is highly toxic to most animals, including humans, when the plant is ingested, but that same toxin is used to make a heart medicine. Many of the beneficial properties of native plants are only known to indigenous people and those studying ethnobotany. The discovery of a beneficial plant toxin can lead to industrial growing of the plant species or exploitation of the wild population.

Kinnikinnick. photo by John F. Williams
Foxglove. photo by John F. Williams
Skunk cabbage
Skunk cabbage. photo by John F. Williams

Some plant toxins are volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and their oils can be beneficial to humans. These are chemical compounds that evaporate at room temperature, so they are often encountered in a gaseous state. VOCs are often the cause of a plant’s fragrance. Strongly scented plants such as lavender and sage tend to be less appealing to deer, who will avoid nibbling on them in a garden. VOCs are beneficial to gardeners who utilize companion planting. Predators are deterred by the scent of a fragrant plant amongst a crop, and may be less likely to eat the crop plant. People find many VOCs to have an appealing scent and use them to create essential oils. However, even we do not have an affinity for all fragrant VOCs. Skunk cabbage (Lysichiton americanus) produces a musky skunk-like odor. This odor is attractive to flies, who are the primary pollinator for the species. However it is highly unlikely to find a skunk cabbage scented candle.

Some VOCs are produced regularly by plants, while others are only produced as a response to an attack. Jasmonic acid is a plant hormone responsible for the production of VOCs. When a pest, such as a parasitic microorganism, decides to make a plant its host, the hormone triggers the expression of genes that produce the compounds used to battle the microorganism. The smell of fresh cut grass in the summer brings up fond memories for many of us. That recognizable scent is due to VOCs. One theory for why grass is so fragrant when mowed is that when a blade of grass is cut, like a cut to an animal’s skin, it creates an opening into the internal structure making the plant vulnerable to bacterial infection. As the blade of grass seals up the wound, VOCs are released.

VOCs are also important in plant-to-plant interactions. While animals use many methods to communicate with others of their species, for most of recorded history it was assumed that plants were not much more interactive with each other than a rock is to a neighboring rock. Research has shown that is grossly incorrect. Plants do communicate with other plants, both with individuals of their own species and with other species. One method of communication is through VOCs. In a study it was shown that when potato plants were exposed to VOCs of onion plants, there was a decrease in how many aphids were found in the potato field compared to the fields without exposure to onions.

Finding the Mother Tree

Communication among plants is an area of biology that is not well understood by us humans. Dr. Suzanne Simard, author of Finding the Mother Tree, is a leader in this field. Not only has her research showed plant communication using VOCs, but it has shone light upon the interactions of plants and fungi. The hyphae of mycorrhizal fungi connect with the roots of plants in what is known as a mycorrhizal network. This network is beneficial to both fungi and the plants. It is used to transfer water, minerals, carbon, nitrogen, and other nutrients between plants and the fungi, as well as plant to plant via the fungi. Dr. Simard’s research has shown that not only do plants communicate through VOCs but also through the mycorrhizal network. Through her research, Dr. Simard has demonstrated that Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) trees and paper birch (Betula papyrifera) are two different species that are often connected by the same network. Thanks to her ground-breaking research on plant communication, humans are beginning to understand that there is much more going on in an ecosystem than we can easily observe.

See more about the mycorrhizal network in THINK LIKE A MUSHROOM by David Ansley in Issue 5 of Salish Magazine.
Hover fly
Syrphid fly on a white daisy. photo by Antonio Friedemann via Pexels

Some plants have developed relationships with animals where the animals help defend the plant. Syrphid fly (hover fly) larva are voracious predators, seeking out aphids. The adult flies are attracted to flowers and will lay their eggs on flowering plants with an aphid population. The plant provides a source of food for the syrphid fly larvae, and in return the flies keep the plant from being overrun by aphids. A study from Portland, Oregon, indicated that English Laurel (Prunus laurocerasus), which is invasive across the PNW, produces chemicals that incite local ants to protect the laurel when under attack from insect herbivores, such as weevils.

Both physical and chemical defenses require energy to be produced, the same energy a plant uses to grow. Some constitutive defenses, such as bark, are constantly being produced. But others are inducible, meaning they are only produced as needed. A plant that is growing in ideal conditions is usually able to fend off pathogens and herbivores, but when conditions are not ideal a plant’s defenses are weakened, and they may not survive an attack.

With so many different species of plants, it is not surprising that there are many different lines of defense against a diverse horde of attackers. A plant species’ defenses evolve to protect them from other inhabitants in their ecosystem, from large mammals to microscopic bacteria. However, nothing in nature is static, and new threats can put a plant’s defenses to the true test.

citrus longhorn beetle
Citrus longhorn beetle. Photo by 哲聖 林 via Pexels

As the climate changes, plants struggle to adapt to different temperatures and water availability. These stressors reduce the amount of reserve energy a plant has to produce chemicals for its defense. Organisms that are mobile are venturing into new ecosystems as their preferred habitats are altered. This results in new interactions between plants and unfamiliar animals and microorganisms. A thriving plant armed in full defense may succumb to an unknown beetle species simply because it does not produce the type of chemical needed to repel it.

Other species are transported to new locations by humans, both intentionally and unintentionally. The citrus longhorn beetle (Anoplophora chinensis) arrived in Washington state with a shipment of bonsai trees. The beetle impacted over 40 species of hardwood and fruit trees with the beetle causing death in even healthy trees. Thankfully, due to a fast response by Washington State Department of Agriculture, the beetle infestation was quickly controlled.

Humans are part of the natural world, and our actions can be beneficial or harmful to other species. The biggest way humans can assist in the defense of the plant kingdom is by decreasing the effects of climate change through personal changes and by influencing corporations to make climate-friendly changes. One easy personal change is through how we garden. The principle of “right plant, right place” helps ensure the plants we add to our yards are growing in their preferred conditions and allowed to grow true to their form instead of pruning them to what we visualize as ideal.

Planting a variety of plants is also important. Biodiversity helps to reduce the spread of diseases and pests, providing habitat to beneficial animal species, and it helps in other ways we have yet to discover. Emerging research shows that ecosystems with high biodiversity reduce pathogen transmission in humans, wildlife, and plants. By having more diversity, the concentration of susceptible species decreases in the ecosystem, diminishing the number of individuals likely to become infected. Emerging research is strongly indicating that plants, animals, and fungi communicate with each other and, although some species prey on others, there are species that come to the defense of others. An ecosystem, whether an entire region or your backyard, benefits from having biodiversity. The more diversity there is, the more likely species will help each other survive.

Native plants
Biodiversity in a garden; Buck Lake Native Plant Garden. photo by John F. Williams


Plant Defense Mechanisms – Against Herbivores in LibreTexts, Biology

Plant Defenses in the Genetic Science Learning Center

An Overview of Plant Defenses against Pathogens and Herbivores by Brian C. Freeman and Gwyn A. Beattie

Volatile-mediated plant–plant interactions: volatile organic compounds as modulators of receiver plant defence, growth, and reproduction by Agnès Brosset, James D Blande in Journal of Experimental Botany

Spines, Prickles, and Thorns by Sara Gage, Washington Native Plant Society

Poisonous Plants of Washington State, Washington State Department of Transportation

Plant Toxins by Ogori Akama Friday in The Americal Journal of Biomedical Science and Research

Mycorrhizal Fungi, National Park Service

Study shows pest attack-order changes plant defenses by Sara Zaske, WSU Insider

Biodiversity loss and the ecology of infectious disease by Richard S. Ostfeld in The Lancet

The Remarkable Benefits of Biodiversity by Francine Vito,

Bio Photo of Sarah Lorse
Sarah Lorse is a Seattle-born naturalist, writer, and photographer. She has worked many jobs in the environmental field and is currently working as an organic landscaper. She loves to connect others to nature through her work, whether it is teaching about the benefits of native plants or encouraging responsible recreation practices.
When she is not working, she can be found playing outside. She loves climbing (rocks, mountains, and trees), gardening, and just observing the natural world.
You can find more of her work on her website or by following her on social media @flora_nativa.

Table of Contents, Issue #20, Summer 2023

Art of Defense

Art of Defense

Sculptures by David Eisenhour Photos by Ann Welch Captions by John F. Williams Summer 2023 Sculptures of marine life created by artist David Eisenhour. Many of them are very large versions of small things, such as these barnacles and limpets.Sculptures by David...

Defense is in the Gills

Defense is in the Gills

by Thomas Noland, Summer 2023 Shag-rug nudibranch and egg ribbon, among other creatures on a pier piling in January. photo by John F. Williamsby Thomas Noland, Summer 2023Nudibranchs are the adorable, charismatic, and voracious slugs of the sea. The Salish Sea is home...

Never a Dull Moment

Never a Dull Moment

While one eagle parent gets mobbed by crows, the other one feeds the little ones. Shot in slow motion.John Gussman became interested in photography as a means to share the natural beauty of the places he travelled. After getting a degree in photography, he began...

The Plant Armory

The Plant Armory

by Sarah Lorse, Summer 2023 Stinging nettle. photo by John F. Williamsby Sarah Lorse, Summer 2023Plants are, predominantly, sessile organisms: a seed lands in suitable conditions, it takes root, and the plant lives out the rest of its days in that spot. Being sessile...



Summer 2023 Coyote turning to run away. photo by John F. WilliamsSummer, 2023Close Call by Nancy Taylor Benji, my miniature poodle puppy,was too mischievousto bring inside the garden piled withcompost from bat guano, worm castings, coffee grounds—healthy for the soil,...

Attack of the Sea Slugs

Attack of the Sea Slugs

Intriguing (and rather amazing) defensive mechanisms of some of our Salish Sea residents are shown in these two short underwater videos by Champ Williams. These videos appeared in Episode 18 of the TV series SEA-Inside: Pacific Northwest in 2008.   THE SECRET...

Specters in the Dark

Specters in the Dark

by Jeff Beyl, Summer 2023 Spiny Dogfish. photo courtesy of National Marine Sanctuaries, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commonsby Jeff Beyl, Summer 2023If you spot a shark while scuba diving, in most cases you would consider yourself fortunate. In the Pacific Northwest,...




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